Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Apple In Secret Plans To Unveil New Range Of Device Known As ‘iPad Mini’

Are you already bored of your iPhone 5 have you seen anyone with it here in Nigeria?? and the latest iPad? Then you may not have to wait any longer to add a new device to the Apple family as the iPad Mini, a shrunken version of Apple’s market-changing tablet, is expected to hit the market soon.
With a launch date expectedly set for October 17 and the device available in shops on November 2, according to Fortune magazine, Apple is now set to break into the market of smaller tablet devices.
The device is believed to have similar hardware to last year’s iPad 2, but reduced to an almost pocket-friendly seven or eight-inch form.
Fortune reports that Apple will send out invites for the launch on October 10, gathering tech journalists and stakeholders together to unveil the device.
If Apple follows previous form, the event will be held in San Francisco, with a simultaneous launch on London.

1 comment:

  1. Collins says>>>
    I think i'll still prefer my ipad 3, anyday, anytime
