Thursday, 18 October 2012

New code of conduct: No more tweeting on match day – English FA

England players will not be permitted to use social media websites for 24 hours prior to any game, according to a new code of conduct introduced by the Football Association.

The code will come into effect from November onwards, though, the FA have stressed that the decision to introduce it had been made prior to Ashley Cole and Ryan Bertrand’s recent Twitter outbursts.
Another rule states: “No Twitter or Facebook comments on the day before the game or the day of the game unless authorised.”

Failure to comply with the rules, and specifically with regard to social media comments about opposition, management or individuals, “could result in disciplinary action”.

The list of rules, described as “common sense” earlier this week by skipper Steven Gerrard, also forbids the use of room service or the excessive use of video games.

The code further emphasises the role of the captain, and insists the player in possession of the armband should set an example for his peers and fans.

“The position of England captaincy is a privileged position which carries with it the additional expectations and responsibility (both on and off the field),” it reads.

“The captaincy may be removed from a player by the Club England Management Board in the event that his or her conduct does not meet the standards required for the role.”

Source: Dailypost

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